Ways to
Giving to the Lord
Stewardship is practiced in accordance with God’s earliest gifts to mankind and man’s appointment to authority over the Garden of Eden and everything in it. As the modern stewards of God’s Kingdom on Earth our gifts are applied to preserve and enhance the world He has given to us.
As we celebrate God's faithfulness, we look forward to what Christ will do for the next generation. The Church of The Covenant prays for your gift to be a rewarding expression of your faith and spiritual relationship with the Church and the Lord through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is hoped that you will experience a joy in giving as well as the justifiable self-satisfaction of active fellowship with the congregation.

Each of us is blessed with personal gifts. These are identified as our time and work; our talents and wisdom; as well as our
treasure and wealth. All of these are applied in our faithful worship, mission and ministry at the Church of The Covenant.
Of these many and varied gifts, the tangible and most readily measurable ones are our financial gifts returned to God’s purposes through our
regular tithes and offerings to The Covenant Fund. The fact that these are financial does not alter the spiritual rewards in giving them.
We are proud to offer multiple ways for you to make your contributions. Please read the different way you can contribute below!
We are encouraged by:
II Corinthians 9:12 (The Living Bible):
“So, two good things happen as a result of your gifts –
those in need are helped, and they overflow with thanks to God.”
Thank You for Giving to The Lord.
Gifts of Cash
In addition to Cash, checks or money orders, other paths for cash giving to the Church include:​​
Bank-By-Phone systems operated by several banks. Bank customers can reach their bank at a special number and use their touch-tone-phone to direct money to the Church from their bank account.
Online Banking is available through most major and regional banks. Bank customers use their home computer, lap-top, tablet or even smart cell-phone to direct money to the Church.
Most phone and computer banking systems permit their customers to pre-authorize transfers for regular future dates or at selected intervals. Fees for these services are not common.​
Donor Advised Funds (DAF) distribute CASH grants to charities at the direction of their donors. The Church of The Covenant is a kind of organization approved to receive these distributions. Many financial firms like Vanguard Charitable…, The Fidelity Charitable… and others; receive gifts from their accountholders and then make grants whenever the accountholder’s wishes. The Church incurs no fees in receiving these gifts. Please notify the Church Office in advance of an upcoming grant. This helps the Church to accurately record the gift and its origin.
CASH can be directed to the Church as tax-free transfers out of Traditional IRA funds of accountholders age 70 ½ or more. These IRA Charitable Rollovers can count toward R.M.D. amounts. There are conditions and significant benefits associated with these transfers.
CASH can also be sent directly to the Church ‘by wire.’ You can authorize your bank or financial managers to wire cash directly to the Church. If this seems convenient, check with your bank for any applicable fees. There are specific and detailed steps to be taken and your bankers may wish to contact the Church for addresses so that transfers can be coordinated with the Church and the Church’s bankers. Advance notice to the Church Office about an upcoming wire transfer and amount, helps the Church to accurately record the gift and its origin.
Cash gifts are acknowledged twice yearly by reports so that benefactors can conveniently monitor their giving and pledge progress. Contact Us to learn more.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Current policies can benefit the Church by naming it as:
A named beneficiary to receive all or part of policy proceeds after the passing of the insured person;
Policy owner, for all rights, or in accordance with a plan to;
Surrender the policy for cash proceeds useful in a designated plan or for The Covenant Fund; (Editor-link to Covenant Fund, page #1.2.00, OR
Holding the policy for its ultimate value.
Gifts of current policies can result in significant charitable deductions for income tax purposes.
Benefactors planning to benefit the Church in a long-range way or from their estate can establish a new policy tailored to their intentions, with payment of current premiums as a tax-deductible gift.
If you would like to consider a gift of Life Insurance, please Contact Us. Church officers are happy to work with your advisors. As always, the Church of The Covenant suggests you contact your tax and legal professionals. These advisors are in the best position to assure you every advantage to be gained from your gift.
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of securities are a convenient opportunity to support the Church of The Covenant and enhance giving with the impact of financial advantages, especially where long-term capital gains are involved. “Securities” include, publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds (open-ended or exchange traded) among many less common types.
Investors will be pleased to know that highly-appreciated, publicly traded, securities held for long-term status are a special opportunity for charitable giving. It’s a win-win situation which provides maximum benefit for the Church of The Covenant and tax advantages for the benefactor.​
Securities held for a ‘long-term’ at the time of the gift are valued at their full Fair Market Value (FMV) when reported as an itemized charitable deduction for Federal income tax purposes, AND
The long-term capital gains accrued by those securities are not reported as income nor are they taxed.
Put directly, benefactors can transfer securities to the Church of The Covenant and deduct the full Fair Market Value without having gains taxed.
If you would like to consider a gift of securities, please Contact Us. Church officers are happy to work with your investment advisors. As always, the Church of The Covenant suggests you contact your tax and legal professionals. These advisors are in the best position to assure you every advantage to be gained from your gift.
Other Gift Types
Other gift forms could be Real Estate, Oil & Gas Royalties or Lease interests, Collectibles & Personal Property, Retirement Assets and more. If you would like to gift in another form not mentioned above, please Contact Us to discuss your needs further.
Church officers are happy to work with your professional advisors. As always, the Church of The Covenant suggests you contact your tax and legal professionals. These advisors are in the best position to assure you every advantage to be gained from your gift.