Covenant Fund
1. What is the Covenant Fund?
The Covenant Fund is a source of financial support that funds the Worship, Mission and Ministry of The Church of The Covenant.
2. What is the goal of the Covenant Fund?
There are two (2) goals for the Fund pledges. There is a dollar goal of $600,000 and also a participation goal of 55 per cent.
3. What is the difference?
Dollars given are obviously to be spent as noted above. The participation goal measures the response of the congregation. A single pledge of any amount is equal to any other pledge as each one represents equal participation regardless of the differences in dollar amounts. It is hoped that as many members as possible will participate in a pledge comfortable to them.
4. Where does Covenant Fund money come from?
Each Fall the Finance and Stewardship Committee conducts a campaign to secure pledges from the congregation. Pledged gifts are then received to support the Church at amounts comfortable for the member.
5. How does the Covenant Fund work?
Pledges to the Fund are for our gifts next year in unrestricted uses throughout the programs and activities of the congregation. Most activities of the congregation are planned and executed through the committees working with the staff.
6. Why at the end of the year?
Pledges are indications of what people will give during the upcoming year. These are the basis of the budget to provide for the projects, events, missions and every other expenditure that is needed for The Church of The Covenant.
7. Who asks for the pledges?
Leaders of the Church, the Elders, the Deacons, Committee Chairpersons, and Officers all participate. They usually don’t knock on doors, but they understand how much money it takes to run a church and meet the financial challenges of Worship, Mission and Ministry at Church of The Covenant. Each of them communicates these challenges in their own way.
8. How is the annual budget put together?
In September each year, the Church Office alerts every committee to update their budget for next year. These are submitted to the Office for review by the Finance and Stewardship Committee along with the Session and staff.
9. Why do costs change each year?
Church staff and leaders are always looking for ways to save money. But inflation and rising costs have affected everyone, including The Church of the Covenant.
10. How much do members pledge?
Pledged amounts vary from member to member. There is no minimum nor maximum. Some pledges are for offerings that are expressed as weekly or monthly amounts.
11. How do I make a pledge?
There are several convenient ways:
1) Complete a yellow pledge card and place it in the offering plate;
2) Go to the Church web site and complete the on-line pledge card;
3) Use the Stewardship QR image (they’re everywhere) and your smart phone in order to reach the on-line pledge card.
12. We often hear about ‘tithes and offerings’ when the plates are passed. What are these?
Offerings are our monetary gifts to God and the Church. Tithes are defined generally as a giving of “one tenth” of the worshipper’s wealth or income.
13. Do some members pledge as much as a tenth of their income?
Some do that and more. Each giver should consider the amount that is comfortable for them.
14. What if our pledge is initially at an amount comfortable for our family, but during the
year circumstances change and that amount becomes awkward?
This has happened before. Simply advise the office of the decision to change; suspend, lower, delay or otherwise alter your pledge.