Planned & Legacy

Planned & Legacy Giving
Planned and Legacy Giving is a term describing gifts made today for actual delivery to a charity at a future date, often after the span of a life. That date is uncertain because “no one knows the length of a life”. Death or some other life event is very the date that puts plans into effect. This requires a plan and that plan can create an enduring legacy for The Church of the Covenant.
A Bequest is the simplest kind of planned gift. A bequest is the property or money that is promised in a will to be given to another person or organization at death. A bequest is promised to a beneficiaries. Wills are written during life to provide for settling financial details after death. Naming The Church of the Covenant in a will now, provides a gift to the Church for a future date. Wills and bequests in them are useful in meeting a variety of planning goals. For additional information, please Contact Us
Many different types of gifts can have a role in planning a gift such as a Gift of Life Insurance, an IRA Charitable Rollovers, Retirement Plans, Trusts, and many more. There are even gifts which can return life-long income to the giver or family generations.
If you would like to consider a planning a gift from your estate, please Contact Us.
Church officers are happy to work with your legal advisors. As always, The Church of The Covenant suggests that these advisors are in the best position to assure you every advantage to be gained from your gift.