
Jesus said to his disciples“. . .’Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. . .’ Then he took the children in his arms, placed His hands on each of them, and blessed them.” Mark 10: 14, 16. Children are a gift. In Jesus’s ministry, He reached out to children.
The Children’s Ministry at The Church of the Covenant, PCUSA is dedicated to reaching out to children as Jesus called us to do. There are various opportunities for children and families to learn, fellowship, and worship. An education needs reading, writing, math, social studies, science, art, music, gym, and recess—for ALL ages. Christian Education makes it complete! You and your family are invited to take advantage of our worship, our classes, and our fellowship times to begin or nurture your faith journey. Staff and volunteers who work with children and youth are required, as part of our Child Protection Policy (below), to have appropriate clearances. Click to view How To Get Clearances or our Child Protection Policy.
The Church of the Covenant Preschool is a christian based education that believes that the family is the most important and fundamental unit of our faith. We believe God has placed a special call in this congregation to reach out to the young families of Washington Pennsylvania. To learn more information please visit our Preschool page.
Third Grade Sacrament Training
What happens in Sacrament Training?
Our class has a tremendous amount of fun learning about the sacraments through the presentation of “Children in Worship” stories, Bible study, puzzles, games, and art activities. Since Jesus shared meals with his disciples, we also feast with our friends during each class.
When is class held?
Sacrament Training classes from 8:00-10:00 am on the following Sundays: October 10th, November 14th, December 12th, January 9th, February 13th, March 13th, April 10th, and May 1st (Communion).
Who is eligible to attend Sacrament Training?
We are welcoming any child currently in grades 3-5.
Covenant Kids
Covenant Kids meet every Sunday morning at 10 am beginning September. We have two groups to provide age-appropriate lessons focusing on Bible truths, the life of Jesus, building our faith and loving others

Impact Youth is designed to help middle school and high school students grow their faith, their character, and their relationships. Activities include: yearly mission trips, service and outreach projects, bible studies, fun and recreation. We host an online group as well as an in-person group.
• Sunday Mornings 10am in the Youth Room
• Monday evenings through the summer and Wednesday Evenings 6:30 pm on Zoom.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is a time for 7 & 8th graders to explore their faith, learn about Christianity and grow in community with one another. Confirmation Classes begin October 10th at noon and continue once a month through May. If you are in 9th grade this year, or missed it in a previous year, you are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Click here for Youth Group Information Form, Youth Group Permission Form and Medical release
For any question regarding our youth programs, please contact Yvonne Gayle
Confirmation Purpose Statement
To have the young people make a public profession of faith in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For them to have an active, joyful, faith that is their own. To have them gain an appreciation of the Presbyterian Church, and enjoy fellowship with the members and pastors of The Church of the Covenant. This will be accomplished through teaching, experiential learning, and fellowship opportunity experienced together and facilitated by teachers, advisers, and prayer partners.

What is FX?
FX is a fun, shared experience for families to come together for a purpose. It is an opportunity for parents and kids to experience a time together where they can learn essential truths regarding wisdom, faith, and friendship. FX is an abbreviation for FAMILY EXPERIENCE. We believe that it is important to invest in making a specific time and place to honor elementary-age kids and their families.
FX includes Dinner, skits, entertainment, and faith-building activities.
FX events will be hosted on the first Tuesday once a month in October, November, January, February and March.
Questions– please contact Yvonne Gayle, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries.

Adult Discipleship Opportunities
The Adult Ministry Team, provides opportunities to not only know about God but to know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior.
Tuesday Night Speaker Series
Monday Readers ~ Monday’s at 1:00 PM in the Dining Room.
Do you enjoy reading and discussing a variety of books? We are always looking for new members and would love to have you join the group!
For more information please contact the church office.
VIDEO CLASS/GEORGE JONES - "The Mission of Jesus"
Experience the Bible in Historical Context
Filmed with Ray VanDer Laan on location in Israel and Rome
You'll deepen your understanding of this passionate revelation to a broken world that God longs to redeem. Discover how Jesus triumphantly made God's presence known on Earth, and how he asks you to do the same--bringing God's shalom to the chaos of others
The study title is Meeting the Spirit by Douglas Connelly. We will be starting with lesson 5 The Spirit Empowers.
This group meets weekly to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting through the different phases of child development.

Discipleship Opportunities
“Discipleship is a lifelong journey into the abundant life for which we were created. It is a process of continual development through which we grow in maturity (become Christ-centered and fully surrendered).”
(Philip Maynard, Membership to Discipleship: Growing Mature Disciples Who Make Disciples)
VISION:To know Christ, good is not good enough. Growing in faith happens best in small groups.
MISSION:To help individuals live into a fully committed life of discipleship.
FOUNDATIONS - This group is developed to create leaders for discipleship group ministry. These new leaders are meeting and preparing to start the first set of groups that will create a new form of ministry. More information will be coming soon.
Brunch Bunch: This ever-popular group typically meets in two sessions - one on Sunday after church and the other during the week.
Dining with Dan: Pastor Dan loves to entertain and can't wait to host some pot luck meals with members of the congregation!
Dinner and Devotions: There's nothing like having a good, filling meal that feeds both your body and your soul, which is this group's aim.
Grub 'n Games: This popular returning group is for adults of all ages who like getting a little (or a lot) silly as they fellowship together.
Koffee Klatche: For those who love their coffee, morning noon or night, this new group is going to have both an in person and virtual session.
Out and About: Check out a new dining experience every month with an array of different restaurants to choose from!
Friends' Night Out: Sometimes our lives get ahead of us and we do not get to see our friends as much as we would like. This group is for the young adults of the church to let go and have fun with friends.

The Covenant Choir weekly rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM. We also rehearse on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. We will be singing for the 11:00 services and other special occasions. All singers are welcome. The Jubilate Ringers (Handbell Choir) will have weekly rehearsals on Thursday evenings at 5:30 PM. The Covenant Kid’s Choir rehearsal times are To Be Announced. Children ages 3 through 5th grade are welcome. Children in 6th grade and up will rehearse at a separate time, as interest warrants. Any questions, please call Darla Pepper-Miller.
Covenant Alive (rehearsal hiatus for the summer)
Every week at the Church of the Covenant we gather to be amazed at the greatness of God. The 9:00 service is our “contemporary” service: meaning we do our best to relay to each other and visitors a timeless message in a new understandable way.
Will you join us? Come and allow your heart to be amazed at the greatness of God Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Covenant Center.
​9:00 worship needs you to move it forward. We looking for Singers, Musicians, “Techies” (Technological Folk), Hospitality Team members and more. If you have any gift you desire to bring to the community, join us! To get plugged in call the church office or speak with Debbie Miles, Covenant Alive Coordinator, on a Sunday morning. A special note for singers: every Thursday night from 7:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. we “sing through” music.
Come and praise God with us!