
Baptism is one of two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church, the other being The Lord’s Supper. There are two types of baptism – infant baptism and adult baptism. Whether one is baptized as a child or an adult it is the same – an outward, visible sign of an inward, spiritual reality created by God through Jesus Christ. In presenting yourself, or your child, for the sacrament of Baptism you are indicating that you believe God is already at work in your heart/ in the heart of your child. Relying on the promises of Jesus we do present those for Baptism whom He has called to be His own.
When someone seeks to become a member of The Church of the Covenant and they are not already baptized, they need to become baptized and profess their faith publicly in their Lord Jesus Christ in a public service of worship. This is adult baptism. Similarly,
when a member wishes for their child to be baptized they can request that it be done and a date is assigned in the worship schedule. This is infant baptism. Contact the church office and read our Baptism Policy to learn more about being
The Church of the Covenant extends a warm welcome in the name of Christ to all who worship with us. It is our hope that through membership you will find a family of faith at our Church where you can use your gifts to the glory of God. We regularly offer New Member classes to adults interested in becoming members who do not have membership in another Presbyterian church and accept letters of transfer for those who are joining us from another PC-(USA) church. If you wish to join but have never been baptized by any denomination at any age, please contact us to discuss both baptism and membership. Contact the church office to learn more about the new member process.

The Church of the Covenant is committed to hosting Christian marriage ceremonies that are distinctly God-centered worship. We schedule weddings exclusively for active members of the Church in good standing, which includes children, grandchildren, or parents of active participating members. Persons who are not yet members may enroll in one of our New Member classes and demonstrate their Christian commitment and active membership prior to their wedding. The Session, Staff, and Congregation of The Church of the Covenant welcome you and want to assist you in making your wedding a beautiful, memorable and spiritual occasion. Contact the church office and read our Wedding Policy to learn more about holding your wedding at the Church of the Covenant.